Rabu, 16 November 2011

Expression Dialog

Created by:
  • Dwi Andita Maharani
  • Fahrul Husaini
  • Lu'lu' A'lana
  • Sheiva Nursabrina

Dwi, Sheiva, Lu'lu' : Assalamualaikum. How are you Ol ?
Ool                        : Waalaikumsalam. Uhhh.. I feel very sore. Thank you for coming over
Sheiva                   : Hmmm, how about your accident ? Tell us the story !
Ool                       : Well, it really shameful, I fell down from my motorcycle by myself.
                               Maybe because I was driving too fast.
Lu'lu'                     : How was the accident ?
Ool                       : Hmm, my arms broken, my head hit a stone and my body is
                               full with wounds.
Dwi                       : Uh ! That is terrible ! Thank god you are still alive.
Ool                       : Ouch ! It hurts so much, don't touch my arm, you're killing me !
Dwi                       : Ooops, sorry I forget that your arm is broken.

Lu'lu'                     : Sev, you look so beautiful.
Dwi                       : By the way, what's happen to your face?
                               Many acne on your face.
Sheiva                   : Ough, I don't know what I have to do. It hurts so much.
Ool                       : Mm, have you consult it to a dermatologist ?
Sheiva                   : No, I don't have to go there.
Dwi                       : Ol, by the way, can you go to school tomorrow ?
Ool                        : Of course I can't. Look at y wounds. It still hurts you know.
Dwi                       : But tomorrow we will have chemistry test.
Lu'lu'                     : Yes, tomorrow we will have chemistry test.
                               It's make me feel stress.
Sheiva                   : We have to go home now.
Lu'lu'                     : Yeah, I want to study for tomorrow.
Sheiva                   : Ol, can I use your toilet before we go ?
Ool                       : Yes, you can.
Sheiva                   : Okay, we'll be leaving now.
Ool                       : Okay, be careful. I hope you didn't end up like me.
                               See you.
Dwi, Sheiva, Lulu' : See you too. Assalamualaikum.
Ool                       : Waalaikumsalam.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Ape and Baboon

                One day in a forest, there lived two best friend named Ape and Baboon. Baboon was famous by his behavior to lied at other animals. He was very good at lying, other animals can’t see the different between when he was telling a fake story or a true story, but Ape can see the different because he is his best friend.
                In one beautiful morning, Baboon was going out of the forest village to gather some food for his stomach. When he gathered the food, he saw a huge smoke that came from another forest village. Because he was so curious, he went to where the smoke came from. He was so shocked when he saw a very big fire burned a forest and the fire kept spreading towards his forest village.
                With a very big hurry, Baboon went back to his village to inform all the animals to evacuate themselves. When Baboon told the story to the animals, no one believed in what he just said. Baboon even reviled by them. A monkey said, “How dare you make a lie like that! You can make all the animal panic. You should go before we kick your ass”. After he was expelled by the animal, he ran away with very sad feeling that no one would ever believe in him anymore.
                When Ape came back from buying some new dresses, he shocked when he hear the news that Baboon made a big lie and ran away. Without a second thought, Ape immediately looking out for his best friend. He looked and looked everywhere but Baboon was nowhere. But he would never gave up until he found his best friend, he really know how was Baboon’s feeling.
                Ape found Baboon sitting near a river, Ape ask Baboon, “Is that true that there is a fire? If it’s true let’s make other animals believe in you, I’ll help you.” Baboon said ,”Do you really believe in what I said ?” Ape replied without any hesitation,” Yes I do.” After that the two of them went back to the village.
                Ape and Baboon made a big announcement about the fire. Other animal still didn’t believe in what Baboon said, even they will expelled Ape and Baboon. Baboon was sad, then Ape said something to the animals, “Please believe us, if there is no fire, you all can kill me “. Then the animals believe in what Baboon said. Baboon was very happy and thankful to his best friend.
                All the animals in the forest village were evacuating themselves. Meanwhile Baboon was going to the place where he saw a fire earlier. He looked everywhere but there is no fire, there were only ashes of the fire. It turned out that the fire had been extinguished by the rain. He went back to his village with a very confused mind. He didn’t know what to say to Ape and other animals.
                When Baboon came to the village, he realized that Ape was going out with his girlfriend. He knew that if he tell all the animals that the fire had been extinguished by the rain, the animals would think that he was lying again and kill his friend, Ape. He didn’t want to risk his friend’s life, so he made a big announcement by himself without Ape. “ Attention please. I have a big announcement for you all. A couple minutes ago, I went to the place of the fire, but the fire had been extinguished by the rain, so now we don’t need to evacuate.”  All the animals were very angry that they felt betrayed by Baboon. The animals thought that Baboon was lying from the beginning, they go and looked for Ape to kill him.
                Baboon stopped all the animals and wanted to take Ape place. He didn’t want his best friend took the blame because his fault. The animals agree and then the execution was begun. Baboon died hanged on a tree by the animals.
                When Ape came back, he saw his best friend was died hanged on a tree. He was very angry to all the animals. In the middle of the night when all the animals were sleeping, he made a fire and burned the forest village with the animals in it. In the morning, there was nothing left. All the animals including Ape and Baboon were burned to ashes.